Eine Stiftung für den guten Zweck

As the family von Hohenzollern we promote sustainable social development, which is crucially dependent on access to basic services.
Africa today is full of diversity, economic potential and innovative development.

harald prinz von hohenzollern


The name origin from Damara language (Khoekhoegowab) means - "everyone is welcome and lets all of us do". We have 13 active projects that aim to support and face the biggest challenge which is poverty. Many families cannot afford school uniforms, books and teaching materials.

prince von hohenzollern


The project have more than 15 kids from toddlers and older school children, which are given a warm meal and looked after in a safe environment - an enormously important contact point of their everyday life. Our main task includes, mental and physical support of the kids - through study aid or sports activities.

prince of hohenzollern


The project/program includes numerous other destination countries with extensive volunteer projects and individually worked out internships. Currently there is more than 30 adults kids working as volunteers. The challenge we are facing is severe shortage of staff, camping equipments and food supply.